Shawn Haoxiang Yang


About me

I am a first-year PhD neuroscience rotation student at Johns Hopkins University. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Turing Class, Peking University and Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.

My interest lies in understanding the key regulators of aging to develop targeted therapeutics with leading technologies. I did research on lysosomal quality control and molecular mechanism in aging and aging-related diseases at Aging Institute, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (UPMC) with Dr. Jay Tan as mentor and closely work with Dr. Toren Finkel. See my Resume for a full list of experience.

Research Interest

I focus on cellular and molecular mechanisms of aging, such as how to activate or reprogram existing mechanisms to slow down aging, how to utilize omics and computations to identify key regulators, and how to develop potential therapeutics for aging and aging-related diseases.


See Google Scholar for a latest list of papers.

Lysosomal quality control: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications (Link)

Haoxiang Yang, Jay Xiaojun Tan

Trends in Cell Biology, 2023.

A conserved ion channel function of STING mediates non-canonical autophagy and cell death (Link)

Jinrui Xun*, Zhichao Zhang*, Bo Lyu*, Defen Lu*, Haoxiang Yang, Guijun Shang, Jay Xiaojun Tan

EMBO Reports, 2024

The PITT pathway: Keeping lysosomes young (Link)

Haoxiang Yang, Jay Xiaojun Tan.

Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2022.



Previous experience and coworkers

During M.S. at Carnegie Mellon University

Intern @ UPitt, 2022-2024 Advisor/Mentor: Dr. Jay Xiaojun Tan; also working with Dr. Toren Finkel

During B.S. at Peking University

Intern @ PKU, 2021-2022 Advisor: Dr. Yizhou Wang: Mentor: Fangwei Zhong; Co-worker: Kejuan Yang

Intern @ Stanford, 2021 Advisor: Dr. Leonidas Guibas; Mentor: Yanchao Yang, Kaichun Mo

Intern @ Mila, 2021 Advisor: Dr. Jian Tang; Mentor: Chence Shi, Huiyu Cai; Co-worker: Chang Ma